Zee - version anglaise

Papier : 14,95 $

ISBN : 9782897502553

Code Prologue : A101581

Zee can hear what you're thinking and feel what you're feeling. She sees herself through your eyes and what she sees changes who she is. Sometimes Zee is the precocious daughter of her four grown-ups. Other times, she's arough boy from Brooklyn, New York, playing basketball and getting into trouble.Zee's grown-ups are worried. They test Zee's special powers and conspire to keep them secret. Zee figures out what they're up to and fights back. Zee just wants to fit in, to meet the confusing expectations coming at her from alldirections, but will losing sight of who she is put Zee in even greater danger?

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Titre : Zee - version anglaise
Éditeur :
Bouton d'Or Acadie - livre canadien
Auteur : Sokol, Su J.
Catégorie : Livres Jeune adulte
Langue : Anglais
Type : Souple
Statut : Disponible
Nombre de pages : 178
Date de publication : 2020/12/16
ISBN : 9782897502553
Code Prologue : A101581
Code à barres : 9782897502553
Prix papier : 14,95 $